Many couples in rural areas of Guatemala partner in business in order to support their families. Thirty-year old Teresa is one who is married to a weaver who uses a foot loom to weave "cortes"/wrap-around skirts that are a part of the traditional women's outfit. They have 2 children (3 mos./3 yrs.) who they want to be able to educate. To do this, Teresa wants to expand her 5-year-old business selling a variety of embroidery threads from her home. She is requesting her 3rd KIVA loan to buy more thread so that her husband can weave more “cortes” that she can sell. Her goal is to increase her business's sales.
Since Teresa has a 6th grade education, she was elected President of the Friendship Bridge Trust Bank "Rosas de Pamaxan" located in the department of Quiché. She calls the monthly meetings to order, that include 7 other Maya K'iche speaking ladies, so they can make loan payments and then, with a facilitator, participate in educational sessions that are a part of the "Microcredit Plus" program of loans, education and health care services. Each session has a different subject. Topics about business management skills help the ladies be successful with their businesses selling basic grains such as beans and corn, butchered and live chickens, squash and tomatoes. Bi-monthly, they get a visit from a nurse who provides them with screenings, exams and family planning.
Thank you KIVA investors! Your generous support is critical to the success of Teresa and her friends!
In this group: Margarita , Julia , Maria , Cecilia , Micaela , Teresa , Maria, Vidalia Maribel