A loan helped to pay for raw kava cuttings and transportation costs.

Maryse's story

Maryse, age 47, is single and a committed business woman. She lives in a shanty rental unit which is located a 10-minute drive from Port Vila, Efate.

She currently runs a kava business from a rental space near her home. She dreams of becoming a successful entrepreneur who specializes in kava produce. Additionally, from this business she hopes to build a more permanent home for herself. With the current COVID-situation in Vanuatu, Maryse is challenged with the high costs of purchasing raw kava and shipping them to Efate for her to resell.

She has now requested a loan to pay for raw kava cuttings and transportation costs. This will enable her to increase her kava juice production and generate income to achieve her goals. With this loan, she is empowered to become the independent and successful entrepreneur she deserves to be.

This loan is special because:

It provides women with credit in a country where alternative financing is extremely scarce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details