A loan helped to access quality farm inputs and services.

Asamau's story

Asamau is a 25-year-old female maize farmer who also owns a shop. She grew up in a small town in Kaduna, Nigeria and plants maize to support her family. Since she began farming, she could only afford to support one child to obtain a formal education.

Asamau major challenge has been the lack of access to quality inputs. She struggled to produce 20 bags of maize at the end of each year. Asamau decided to join Babban Gona, and since then, she has been producing 30-40 bags each harvest.

Because of the increase in security risks and the increasing costs of inputs, farming has been difficult for Asamau lately. She is requesting an increased loan to hire more labourers to help her cultivate her land and increase her productivity to send her other children to school. She would also use this profit to buy more nutritious foods.

This loan is special because:

It supports smallholder farmers and helps them increase yields.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details