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A loan helped to purchase modern farm inputs, improve production and profits, and feed her family.

Debborah's story

Mother’s day is this month, and Juhudi Kilimo would like to celebrate mothers who sacrifice a lot for their families.

Debborah is a 57-year-old single mother who lives in Kitui, a favorable area for farming. This region has a high rate of poverty and unemployment, especially for women. Despite these challenges, Debborah always works hard to ensure that she is able to lift herself out of the situation and give her family a healthy living. Thanks to her daily efforts, Debborah has been able to empower her children by sending them to school for a good-quality education.

Being the only breadwinner, she ventured into farming to meet the basic needs of her family. Her remote area is suitable for crop farming, and this explains why most of the farmers in this region have engaged in mixed farming. Earning an income by selling her harvest is the part of farming she enjoys most.

Before joining Juhudi Kilimo, Debborah could not access loans from banks because she is a woman and a smallholder farmer. After she joined Juhudi Kilimo, she learned about loan management and agribusiness. She also became familiar with Kiva. She is seeking a loan to purchase high-quality farm inputs to increase her crop farm productivity. This will boost her income so that she can pay school fees for her children.

Debborah awaits your kindness.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Contributing lenders (17)
  • Trevor Seattle, WA, United States
  • Soul Seed Academy
  • Leigh
  • J
    John Greenwich, NY, United States
  • Kym
  • Debora United States
  • Zachary camarillo, CA, United States
  • J
  • D
    Doug Powell River, British Columbia, Canada
  • Mark
Contributing teams (3)

Loan details

Seattle, WA, United States
Soul Seed Academy
Greenwich, NY, United States
United States
camarillo, CA, United States
Powell River, British Columbia, Canada
Local Area
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Kevin Kim
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