A loan helped to buy supplies and yarn to jumpstart her weaving business and increase her income potential.

Kanwara's story

Although Kanwara grew up in a rural village in the mountains of Phrae Province, Thailand, her parents saw education as a ticket out of the cycle of poverty in which they had grown up and into which they had now brought their children. Mustering their meager resources, they made sure that Kanwara was educated to the highest level they could manage.

Kanwara graduated from the vocational college in Phrae City with a certificate in business. She was able to find work as a secretary in Bangkok for a while, but the downturn in business due to the worldwide Covid pandemic ended that. She and her husband have since returned to her home village, and they now have a child in the village kindergarten.

Kanwara puts her business training to good use as she works part-time at a local locksmith business that recently opened in the village. She also weaves hammocks in her free time, which has proven to be a great source of income that allows her to work from home, on her own schedule, and plan for her family’s future.

This loan will help Kanwara invest in her hammock-weaving business, become a more skilled artisan, and grow her income.

This loan is special because:

It creates employment opportunities for vulnerable populations living in remote rural areas.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details