A loan helped to buy thread, needles, adhesives, shoelaces, soles, and leather.

Miguel De Los Angeles's story

For the past 20 years, Miguel has been dedicated to repairing shoes from a small space in his house. This business provides income so that he can put food on the table each day. His 19-year-old son is his source of motivation. He is proud to be a hardworking and honest father.

Miguel is requesting a Kiva loan from MiCrédito to buy thread, needles, adhesives, shoelaces, soles, and leather. With this small investment, he intends to be prepared to meet the demands of his varied clientele. Within the next few years, Miguel would like to have a stall at the market so that he can take advantage of the influx of passersby.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It provides borrowers training and capital to start new businesses.

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