A loan helped to buy ready-to-wear clothes, shoes, slippers plus sacks of hog feeds.

Julieta's story

Julieta C. is 43 years old and a determined mother of three children — a 19 year-old college student, and two high-school students. She is a native of the island village located in the heart of Laguna de Bay Rizal province in the Philippines. She is married to Elmer who is 49 years old. She joined ASHI (Ahon Sa Hirap, Inc.), an MFI and KIVA partner in the Philippines, in 2008 because she needed capital to restore her ready-to-wear clothes business. When she received her loan, she carefully invested the money in her business and now has regular customers and increased income.

Julieta is requesting a fourth loan of Php 20,000 pesos as additional capital for her RTW business and variety store. She will buy shoes, clothes, and slippers, and grocery products, plus a sack of concentrate and hog feed. She is optimistic that her business will continue to grow now that she has the support of ASHI and the trust of KIVA lenders. She dreams of making her business grow, and wants to invest more in it.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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