A loan helped to buy bananas to increase sales in her store.

Fricson Galo's story

Galo, 22, is a hardworking young man who lives with his family in the city of Esmeraldas. His relatives are merchants and Galo sells fruit and vegetables at his market stall.

His products are in high demand where he sells them. He wants to increase his working capital and sales to strengthen his business income.

Galo is applying for a loan to buy bananas. This is his second Kiva loan. He paid back his first loan on time.

The products he sells are very important as they help him cover household expenses and responsibilities.

Galo is grateful for your support and the opportunity given him to achieve his goals for self improvement which will improve his quality of life.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Sherry Bess.

This loan is special because:

It focuses on the poorest one-fifth of the population with no access to financial services.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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