A loan helped to purchase merchandise (rice, noodles, flour, milk, etc.) to restock her grocery store.

Maria's story

Maria belongs to the communal bank "Clorinda Matto de Turner." This bank is located in the Calca district in the Urubamba province of the department of Cusco.

Maria is 57 years old, married, and has 3 children. She has a grocery store that she manages; she works tending to the store. Maria requests a loan to invest in purchasing merchandise to restock her store. At this time she needs money to purchase merchandise such as: rice, noodles, flour, milk and sugar.

Maria appreciates and values the loan granted through these means, and likewise pledges to make her payments according to the established schedule.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Lisa Grobar.

Loan details

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