A loan helped to buy plum seedlings to start an agricultural business.

Lilia's story

Lilia thanks Kiva lenders for her previous loan, which helped her to purchase new windows to improve her living conditions. Due to this, she was able keeping warmth inside the house.

Lilia continues to work as the head of the central office in the local village. She is a hardworking woman and loves the country life. The salary is low, and for this reason, Lilia wants to start a small business that will bring her extra income. She wants to plant a plum orchard.

Now Lilia needs a new Kiva loan to buy plum seedlings. This investment is expensive and it fails to procure from its own sources. Benefiting from the loan, she will be able to achieve her goal. As a result, Lilia will be able to increase the family's income for a more prosperous future.

This loan is special because:

It enables those living in rural areas to grow their businesses at a lower interest rate.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details