A loan helped to buy more beef and dairy cows to rear to boost business.

Jackson's story

Jackson is a resident of Kakuuto, Kyotera district. He is aged 35 years and married with no children. He owns a food supply company in the city center, supplying milk products and beef and its products to different restaurants, hotels and cafes.

He is one of the biggest businessmen who even has employees who help him run his cattle farm business. The recent outbreak of foot and mouth disease killed most of his animals, leaving his business in a loss-making situation.

Jackson is seeking a loan to revamp from his business losses. He will buy more beef and dairy cows to sell. He will then be able to continuously supply his customers to keep good business relations and be able to regain business strength.

Thank you funders.

This loan is special because:

It helps rural farmers to increase productivity and their income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details