A loan helped to purchase fertilizers, foliar fertilizers and disinfectants.

Sonia Luz America's story

Meet Sonia, a friendly and hardworking woman who lives with her spouse in the rural community of Cucher. Here she has a humble house and a plot of land to be able to farm. Sonia and her spouse have worked in agriculture since they got married. The experience in this work has had good and bad moments. It has now has become more difficult to be able to farm due to the increase in the price of the agricultural supplies they need for optimum development and yield of the plant.

For this reason, Sonia comes in search of financing to be able to take on the cost of the fertilizers, foliar fertilizers and disinfectants necessary for the pea crop. Her aspiration for the future is to be able to maintain the health and energy to be able to work and have a peaceful old age with her spouse since their children now have different homes.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It aims to reach vulnerable refugee populations in an isolated region.

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