A loan helped to purchase silk and synthetic silk string and handles to continue making hammocks.

Valentina De La Paz's story

Valentina says that the loan which was granted to her previously was of great help, since she was able to continue with the production of hammocks and sell them at a very good price.

Now, she is again asking for a loan to invest it in the purchase of silk and synthetic silk string and handles to continue making hammocks. In this way, she will have merchandise on hand to sell to her customers and also to be able to get income to be able to continue supplying the household necessities.

Valentina comments that, in relation to the previous loan, her family remains the same, but that, financially, the situation has improved a bit thanks to the income from the sales. In addition, she is in a perfect state of health.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It gives El Salvador's artists a chance to revive the local art of handcrafting.

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