A loan helped to buy additional boxes of medicine, sanitizers, and masks to sell, and other supplies needed.

Isaie's story

Isaie is a well-known pharmacist living near a refugee camp. Isaie's pharmacy has steadily grown, especially in these past periods of a pandemic where he is the main supplier of medicine, face masks, and sanitizers to different hospitals in the district.

Isaie is an honest borrower. He fully paid his first and second loans, which helped him to purchase more pharmacy facilities like cupboards and vaccine refrigerators.

He also wanted to open up a new pharmacy which is also near the Mahama camp. Due to the strategic business location, it has a strong base of customers. He started it to provide refugees with medicine and other pharmacy products. Isaie is not only making money, but he created employment for six people, including three from the refugee camp.

Isaie wants to continue growing and expanding, which is the reason he is requesting another loan to buy additional boxes of medicine, sanitizers, and masks to sell, and other supplies needed.

Isaie's business has helped him continue to provide all needed support to his family and also maintain good health in the community.

This loan is special because:

It offers a full package of support for Rwanda's promising entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details