A loan helped a member to buy animals to resell in order to earn more for the family.

Benkadi Group's story

Due to COVID-19, Oumou is alone in the photo, sitting in a chair with the fabric. She is 61 years old, married and the mother of three children who are between the ages of five and 15. Two of them go to school.

She loves her business and her monthly profit of 35,000 XOF allows her to contribute to the care of the children. To run her business, Oumou makes her purchases in the village and sells in the weekly markets of the local area. In addition to supporting her husband with livestock farming. she is using the RMCR loan to buy more traditional fabric and shoes, to increase her business.

In the future, she wants to work a lot to help these children study in order to have a job.

In this group: Oumou, Namanian, Niagale, Sitan, Fanta, Yacouba, Djeneba, Aminata, Fatoumata, Django, Sacko, Bakary, Sira

Translated from French.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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