A loan helped to buy more agricultural inputs to sell in his shop in order to help smaller farmers.

Paulo's story

Paulo is a 39 year old Mozambican man. He is married and he lives in Chimoio with his wife and their 3 children.

Paulo has worked in agribusiness for many years as a farmer business adviser. He helps advise smaller farmers in his community about the specifics seeds and fertilizers to use on their farms. Paulo is very well known and also trusted in his community.

Thanks to this attitude, Paulo was able to open his own inputs shop in Manica Province where he can deliver high quality inputs for the smaller farmers around him. Thanks to his first Kiva loan, he was able to expand his business to other villages, covering many more smaller famers in rural areas.

Considering the high demand for seeds, pesticides, fertilizers and other chemicals for the upcoming season, Paulo needs to acquire more products to satisfy the demand and keep helping farmers to access certified inputs. For this reason, he is requesting his second Kiva loan to buy more agricultural inputs to sell in his shop in order to help smaller farmers.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers access to new markets and agricultural resources.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details