A loan helped grow more cancer fighting, Super-Microgreens for the fighters and survivors in my community.

Jerret's story

I had a rough childhood, an abusive mom, and a constantly incarcerated dad. When I was 13, the police were called on my mom, and I was removed to state care. That was almost worse. I was angry and felt unwanted and unloved, so I started using drugs to cope. Then it all changed when my Grandma took me in. It wasn't easy on her but she got me off the drugs, finally. We discovered we both had a love of growing and nurturing things. She always had an amazing garden. So we spent hours there, hands dirty. She'd sing while we planted. She saved my life. It's been 15 years since she passed from lung and breast cancer, and had been growing these greens then. Who knows.

So now, I grow them and share them with everyone I can because if I can help even one person in their fight against cancer, I know my Grandma would be smiling. These amazing little greens are so powerful. So many of my Market customers are either fighting some cancer or have overcome, it and are focused on keeping healthier habits. They all swear by them and so do I. It would be such a privilege to be able to expand and grow my business to help many, many more. Who knows, maybe save some troubled youth's Grandma so she can save his life too.

This loan is special because:

It helps this business continue to grow.

Loan details

About Eat Me! Microgreens, LLC

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: eatmemicrogreens.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details