A loan helped our small farm purchase the necessary equipment to grow, harvest and sell organic produce.

Jessica's story

I am a born and raised city kid that fell in love with animals, and the outdoors at an early age. I started riding horses around age 5, collecting as many pets (both wild and domestic) as my parents would reasonably allow, and spent countless hours exploring the creek near my house whenever I could. Those early cultivated feelings of fulfillment, connection, and wonderment are what lead me to farm. In college, I started volunteering on a few farms near the city, but had not yet considered it "a job" "for me". After leaving my job in the city, and finally committing myself to work full-time at a medium-sized organic vegetable production farm, I was hooked. Farming is an exciting puzzle where there is no one right way to do it and so many wrong ways to do it. I learned early on that the industrial scale that which most of our food in the United States is produced is detrimental to the environment and our health.

By paying attention to natural cycles, and mimicking systems that already occur in nature, small farms can work with the land to grow highly nutritious food in soil that will continue to support crops, and all of the many millions of organisms that live, and are at work in that process. I love observing these processes and learning how to do them better each season. I love that the result of this education is a strong body, strengthened relationships with my animals and the land, and healthy food that can be shared among entire communities.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Lazy Mule Farm

Industry: Agriculture
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: lazymulefarm.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details