A loan helped to buy cow peas and lentils to sell in her local village.

Jenipher's story

Jenipher is a 51 years old mother of nine children living in Busia, an area with hilly scenery that is good for camping and hiking. Her family's main income source is poultry farming.

She is also involved in dairy and crop farming. Though she has been striking a profit from this business, she is not completely satisfied. That is why she is borrowing, to buy cereals, to sell them at her local market.

Kenya's Busia area, one of the country's populated regions, has a high demand for cereals. This means that she could increase her income by satisfying the demand.

Accessing funds has been a challenge for Jenipher, but she now feels relieved because Juhudi Kilimo is partnering with Kiva lenders to help hardworking female farmers, like her, turn their farming dreams into reality through training and loan financing.

Jenipher is so thankful for your attention and appreciates you taking your precious time to check on her profile.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details