A loan helped to buy various goods to sell.

Mamlakat's story

Mamlakat is a hardworking and patient woman from Tajikistan. She is 60 years old, divorced, and has three children. Mamlakat is a woman entrepreneur who engages in the retail trade. She sells various goods such as elastic bands, hairpins, earrings, and other items. Mamlakat has plenty of customers and earns a stable income. She works hard to provide for her children and meet all of their needs. Her income is used to support her family.

Mamlakat is requesting a loan from IMON for the ninth time. The loan will be used to buy more goods to sell so that she can increase her income and attract more customers. She hopes to have the financial support of the lenders.

This loan is special because:

It supports the well being of women and their families.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details