A loan helped ancestral Rays to restart and restore its business activities.

Ernestine's story

My name is Ernestine. I'm a client of the Florida Women's Business Center in Delray Beach, which helped me develop my business road map. I am an international educator with three master’s degrees, who spent 12 years working as an Educational Attaché for the State Department, and as a consultant to the Middle States Accreditation Board. I worked in 33 countries.

Diagnosed early with a learning disability, my childhood was difficult and my self-esteem low. At a very young age, I was introduced to a book about Africa which began my fascination with the world and my place in it. I would dream about going to these amazing lands across the water. Unknowingly, this was the beginning of my journey to become an Educational Attaché with the American Embassy in Africa. Upon several visits to various countries, I was drawn to Ghana's Culture which lead up to my desire to complete my doctoral dissertation. Eventually, I was asked to be the Superintendent of the American School System for the U.S. State Department.

Coming from humble beginnings, I achieved significant wealth while serving with the State Department. However, I returned to Florida to take care of my ailing mother for 3-1/2 years. Alternative medical treatment and professional caretaking expenses left me financially challenged.

I have been blessed to be mentored by the late Dr. Barbara Jackson, Maya Angelou, and President Nelson Mandela. These experiences provided me with a greater appreciation for the importance of mentorship and helping others to walk in their greatness. One of my favorite quotes is an African proverb that states, ‘If we stand tall it is because we stand on the backs of those who came before us.’ The philosophy I live by is, “to extend your hand and lift someone up as I have been lifted.”

This loan is special because:

It supports a Black female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Ancestral Rays Incorporated

Industry: Education
Years in operation: More than 5 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details