A loan helped to purchase scissors, needles, colored thread, plaster cloth, etc.

Bertilia Palma's story

She is a very hardworking and exemplary person dedicated to her business. She owns her house and it is there where she has her business. She works tailoring clothing and offers very good services, with many years of having the business.

She is a very responsible person with financial commitments.

She is asking for the loan to invest it in the business since she wants to expand her business and manage to increase sales. She needs to purchase scissors, needles, colored thread, plaster cloth, etc.

She is very grateful for the support at this time. Her dream is to be able to grow her business.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It provides credit to some of the most isolated communities in Honduras.

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