A loan helped a single African American mother get her entrepreneurial dream off the ground and share her healing journey.

Deshana's story

I started making candles to help with my anxiety and depression after a divorce. After the sudden and unexpected loss of my significant other and best friend, I decided to take what was once known as a hobby and turn it into a business to share my healing journey through scents. My seven-year-old son and his passion and love for life motivate me the most! He drives me to keep going on days that I may want to give up. I have to show him that though mommy goes through challenges, I can still come out on the other side and make him proud. I want to show my son that it may not be easy but that he can one day have whatever he puts his mind to, as long as he never gives up. With your assistance, you allow me not to give up, put my mind to it and make it happen. This is another milestone in my healing journey because my other biggest supporter and motivator is no longer with me, so this is also for him, letting him know, I’m still pushing!

This loan is special because:

It supports a Black female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About UnSpoken Scents

Industry: Services
Years in operation: 1 year - 3 years
Website: unspokenscents.com

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details