A loan helped to buy more chicken, fish, pig feet and chicken feet to sell.

Decontee's story

Meet Decontee, 32 years old. She lives with her partner along with two children, both of whom are in school. She has a business selling chicken, fish, pig feet and chicken feet. She attended school up to 8th grade. She has been in this line of business for eight years now. She learned how to sell from her mother. She has no problem with her business. She uses kehkeh to transport supplies to her business site.

To increase her business, Decontee applied for a loan through BRAC Liberia, a Kiva field partner. This loan will help her to buy more chicken, fish, pig feet and chicken feet to sell to her good clients. She likes her business because it makes her an independent woman. Her dreams for the future are to build a store and send to her children to college. She wishes to say thanks.

This loan is special because:

It serves low-income individuals in rural Liberia where few alternative funding sources exist.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details