A loan helped a member to buy corrugated metal sheets, nails, and wood for repairing the roof of her home.

Fantasia Group's story

Ana Francisca is 46 years old and lives with her 14-year-old son who is financially dependent on her. She is a single mother and has no relatives who live abroad.

Ana offers housekeeping services in her community. She works every day from 7:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. Ana has been doing this work for eight years and is able to generate income to meet her financial responsibilities. However, she wants to make improvements to her home, so she is requesting a loan to buy corrugated metal sheets, nails, and wood. With this investment, she hopes to repair the roof of her home in order to avoid damage during the winter season.

Ana wants to provide her family with a decent and secure home. She also wants to the best for her son.

Ana, Gloria, Deysi, Maria, and Yeni are members of the solidarity group “Fantasia”. They are responsible people who are committed to their families.

In this group: Ana Francisca , Gloria Elizabeth , Deysi Esperanza , Maria Elena, Yeni Lorena

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers improve their living conditions and well-being.

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