A loan helped to buy new computers and printers to expand her services and cover actual demand.

Luizinha's story

This is Luizinha, a modest, reserved, and enterprising 27-year-old woman, who possess a strong desire to get ahead.

Luizinha resides, with her family, in DILI, the capital city of Timor, where she has a business renting computer and printer, a very common activity in the area, since most homes lack the sufficient resources to acquire one.

Luizinha would like to apply for a loan of $1,000 in order to acquire new computers and printers to expand her services and cover actual demand.

Her dream is to be able to improve her family's standard of life, create a prosperous future, and generate employment.

This loan is special because:

It provides entrepreneurs in underserved communities with the means to grow their businesses.

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Lenders and lending teams

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