Béate Mukakizima was born in Ruhuha, in eastern Rwanda. She is 37 years old, married and has 4 children. Her eldest is 13 years old and her youngest is 2 years old. She has completed primary school. She lives with her family in Ruhuha Bugesera. Only one of her children goes to school.
She belongs to Indyiboneye, a solidarity group of rice growers who guarantee each other’s loans. Béate and her group work to support their families, to improve their quality of life and to pay their children’s tuition fees.
The group has taken out a loan from Amasezerano Community Banking to buy chemical fertiliser for their fields. When the group harvests their crops, part of it is sold and the rest is saved for their families.
In this group: Josephine , Népomuscène, Agnès, Belancile, Bonifrida, Julienne, Zachalie, Antoinnette, Hélène, Immaculé, Anne Marie, Dative, Dafrose, Jacqueline, Caustasie, Josephine, Costasie, Cecile, Bonike, Celestin, Anastasie, Vianney, Belancila , Béate, Silas, Venancie, Leoncie, Liberatha, Vincent , Esperance, Immaculé, Rose, Immacule, Theresie, Josephine, Videncie, Fericien, Caustasie, Joyce, Faustin, Laurence, Callixte, Vincent
Translated from French. View original language description.