A loan helped a member purchase charcoal in high quantities.

12 De Junio Group's story

This group formed thanks to an invitation the members received from some of the members of the Mujeres Emprendedoras con Esperanza group, which is in its 15th loan cycle through the businesswomen's group loan program. Once these women joined the program, they decided to form another group, inviting their friends and neighbors. In this way the 12th of June group was founded in the Barrio San de Yka'a in the city of Luque. One of the members is Lorena C., who makes a living selling charcoal, which is an activity that is convenient for her in every way because she can do it from her home and earn good profits, and it's also very easy to manage and sell this product. Every day the majority of her neighbors who cook with charcoal buy it from Lorena to use in their homes, since the price of gas is very expensive in this country and everyone pays. Therefore, it's important for her to acquire a high quantity of charcoal so she will be able to fully provide this product to her customers. For this reason, she is requesting the loan to purchase charcoal in bulk.

In this group: Lorena, Karina, Luz, Raquel, Edita, Carmen, Selva, Paulina, Maria, Bonifacia, Eulalia, Selva, Maria, Eugenia

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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