Juana Magarita is 41 years old, married, and has two young daughters. She works selling traditional clothing in the San Francisco El Alto and the Salcajá plazas. She has been in the business for 10 years. One of the difficulties of having your own business is not having the money necessary to obtain more merchandise. This is the case with Juana, a leader, who is in need. She is organized with 14 other women who form part of the Cuatro Caminos communal bank. The majority of them work selling food or have stores where they sell daily need items. What they hope for is to increase their sales and their income.
In this group: Juana Margarita, Ilse Esperanza, Glenda Juliana, Liria Francisca, Alcy Janet, Santos Olegaria, María Marta, Santa Tomasa, Sandra Yaneth, Juana Marcela, Reina Elizabeth, Sandra Marlene, María Lorenza, Flor De María
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.