A loan helped to purchase display cases and materials for her new store.

Fanny Guadalupe's story

Fanny belongs to the Wiracocha communal bank. In Quechua, Wiracocha means ‘Sun God’.

Fanny is married and has 2 children, one of which is a student and the other is still little. She has a store where she sells jewelry and craft materials in a rented space located in the city center. Fanny learned to make jewelry and crafts in Mexico and she currently provides craft classes in Lima, where she also sells jewelry by order. Her creations are on display in her store and in the next month, she will open up a new store.

Fanny needs a loan of 3000 PEN that she will invest in the purchase of display cases and materials for her new store.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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