A loan helped to buy soft drinks for her general store and to buy farm supplies, like fertilizer, for her farm.

Flora's story

Flora runs a sari-sari (general) store. She sells basic commodities, such as cooking oil, noodles, sugar, condiments, soft drinks and toiletries. She is a widow and has ten grown children. In addition to her store, she owns a farm, where she grows rice as supplemental income.

Right now, she is seeking ways to make her businesses more productive, but her main challenge is limited funds. Therefore, she decided to join CEVI and requested a loan. She will use the loan to buy soft drinks for her store and farm supplies, like fertilizer, for her farm.

Flora has high hopes that through this loan, both of her sources of income will continue to prosper.

This loan is special because:

It provides training and capital for this borrower.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details