A loan helped to buy fertiliser and insecticide.

Maria Edita's story

Maria Edita is 49 years old. She is in a common-law relationship and has 6 children. Her partner is a farmer. They live in Charapoto, a place where people have worked hard to overcome the affects of the Covid-19 pandemic and continue fighting to move forwards.

She is a determined woman who, together with her partner, continues to move forwards to support her family. They have a farm where they grow corn, peanuts, rice and other crops. They sow crops all year round as they have an irrigation system which allows them to grow crops throughout the year. This is how they are able to earn an honest living.
This loan is to buy fertiliser and insecticide in order to have a good harvest.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Elizabeth Daw.

This loan is special because:

It helps borrowers withstand negative economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

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