A loan helped a single mom to buy different varieties of cereals, like corn and beans to sell in the local market.

Julia's story

Julia is a single mom of four who lives in Kapsabet. She was attracted to farming when she was a child. By observing her parents working and making a profit from their farm, she learned the art of farming.

Julia has been practicing mixed farming for the last few years. The income she makes from selling milk is used to meet the basic needs of her household. Though Julia has gathered much experience as a farmer, she is not satisfied with the little amount she earns, as she is the only breadwinner in her household.

To earn more income, Julia has decided to begin trading cereals. She has applied for a 100,000 KES loan through Kiva's field partner Juhudi Kilimo to buy different varieties of cereals from local farmers, then sell them to her customers and at the local market. She will earn a commission from these sales which she will to use to repay the loan and improve her standard of living.

Julia's irregular income and lack of collateral security were the main drawbacks in limiting her from accessing a loan from commercial banks. This loan, therefore, is an opportunity that she's never had before. Thanks to Juhudi Kilimo and Kiva, Julia's life and that of her family will be changed for the better by this loan.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details