A loan helped to buy more pepper, vita, oil and other items to sell.

Kumba's story

Greetings from Liberia. This is 42-year-old Kumba. She is married and has eight children, all of whom are in school and live at home. Kumba sells pepper, vita, oil and other items. Her husband works as a driver to earn extra income.

Kumba has had these businesses for 20 years now and describes herself as a hardworking business woman. She learned how to sell from her mother and started the business with some funds from her husband. She sells Monday through Saturday. To continue her sales, she applied for a loan through BRAC Liberia, a Kiva field partner, to buy more pepper, vita, oil and other items to sell to her good clients. She likes her business because it gives her fast money and she is proud of her business because it makes her an independent woman.

Kumba's dreams for the future are to build houses and send her children to school. She say thanks to all lenders around the world.

This loan is special because:

It serves low-income individuals in rural Liberia where few alternative funding sources exist.

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Lenders and lending teams

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