A loan helped purchase of clothing, cosmetics, items for the home.

Ana's story

Ana R. R. is 52 years old. A little while ago, she realized she is an excellent saleswoman, so she joined a network of women who sell personal items. This has helped her to excel and to support her family.

She lives in Alajuela's Canalete community, an area known for its beautiful view of the Miravalles volcano and especially for the leadership and courage of the women who live there.

Doña Ana needs a loan of 600,000 colones to purchase merchandise such as men's clothing, women's clothing, cosmetics and items for the home.

She is a member of the Empresa de Crédito Comunal Canalete (Canalete Communal Loan Company), one of EDESA's 100 member organizations in Costa Rica. This will be her first loan, and with it she hopes to continue growing personally and economically.

Translated from Spanish.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details