A loan helped to build a greenhouse to have an extra income for her family during the entire year.

Hane's story

Hane is a 50-year-old woman from a small village, located near Elbasan city. She is married and a proud mother of a son, who has emigrated abroad for a better life.

To provide for her family, Hane works as a nurse while her husband is a teacher. They also do agricultural activities to generate extra income. Hane wants to build a greenhouse, so she can grow produce throughout the year and earn extra income for her family. She is asking for the first time for your support in order to pay for the materials needed.

Hane thanks all Kiva lenders for the support and wishes you all the best.

This loan is special because:

It enables low-income farmers to access credit tailored to their needs.

Loan details

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Loan details