A loan helped to buy spares to boost his transport business.

Francis's story

Francis, 26, is a young hardworking bachelor who enjoys working with his motorcycle to sustain himself. Through this business he aspires to provide his future family with a bright future. He is constantly saving up for them and this motivates him very much in his business. Francis' business has also been providing a great impact to his community by employing two men who assist him. He has also been planning on buying another motorcycle very soon which will help create more employment for his community.

At the moment, Francis is kindly requesting a loan that will help him to buy spare parts to boost his business. He has purposed to repay his loan using the profits he makes as he works diligently towards his dreams. Francis wishes to thank all his lenders for seeing the potential in him.

This loan is special because:

It gives financial access to low income micro-entrepreneurs.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details