A loan helped to purchase a water delivery van to be able to distribute heavy 20 litre bottles across her neighbourhood in Dar es Salaam.

Martha's story

Martha had been selling water in a kiosk for a couple of years when she first encountered Jibu and decided to become a reseller. After a few successful months she took the risk to own and operate her own franchisee.

She is now serving her community in Dar es Salaam where she grew and studied. Many of her friends and family members have been affected first-hand by the poor quality of drinking water available and she has been committed to changing that. Her goals are to employ a large team of women to lead her sales teams and provide opportunities to them like the one she has to lead the business. And to provide a secure future for her family with the success from the operation of the franchise store.

A loan will allow Martha to scale her business and reach more customers with the purchase of a Water Delivery Van. This will save her from having to build up a capital base from her own profits, which would slow her potential for growth.

The loan will be repaid from her profits, as she grows her customer base and reaches more under-served households in her community.

This loan is special because:

It supports entrepreneurs and increases access to affordable, clean water.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details