A loan helped a member to purchase clothing and a variety of other products.

Santa Cruz 2 Group's story

Emma Isabel is 29 years old, lives with her six-year-old child, and does not have relatives abroad.

Emma sells clothing as a street vendor every day. It is a trade she learned very young due to the lack of opportunities, but which allows her to generate income to meet her financial responsibilities.

But, she wants to strengthen her business, so she asks for a loan to purchase clothing and a variety of other products. With this investment, she expects to stock her inventory more and, so, to increase her sales. Emma wants to have a retail space to establish her clothing store and provide a better life.

Emma, Israel, Alejandro, Flor del Rosario, and Angela form the Santa Cruz 2 solidarity group. They are responsible and enterprising people who seek the same end of getting their families ahead.

In this group: Emma Isabel, Israel De Jesus, Alejandro Antonio, Flor Del Rosario, Angela

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Wendy H.

This loan is special because:

It includes access to business education classes.

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