A loan helped to purchase more tons and restock grains.

Gervais's story

Gervais is a Rwandan businessman living near the Nyabiheke refugee camp. He is the father of five and a business owner.

He is well known as a grains supplier who started as a farmer, growing crops for home use and the rest he would take to market. He continued working hard until he bought a piece of land and this sped up the growth of his business.

Gervais bought a truck to help him transport his goods and other people's good to make money. This truck helps him to collect grains from rural areas in different locations in Rwanda. He sells collected grains to refugees and to fellow Rwandans. Gervais supplies grains to schools, markets, and local factories that produce flour.

Gervais's business hired 7 permanent employees including 3 Congolese refugees and 10 casual employees all of them are able to make changes and provide for their families. Gervais wants to grow his business even more so that he can provide more opportunities to the people in the community.

He is requesting a loan to purchase more tons and restock grains. This loan will enable him to earn more income.

He also rents houses and transport which provide all support to business growth and it facilitates him to support the family and pay children's school fees.

This loan is special because:

It help refugees integrate into their host communities.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details