A loan helped to purchase a gas kiln to produce ceramic water filters for safe drinking water in Cambodia.

Ide Cambodia's story

iDE is an international non-profit organization that creates income and livelihood opportunities for poor, rural households. Hydrologic is iDE’s social enterprise that manufactures and sells water filters in Cambodia. Hydrologic has worked with Kiva to provide more than $4.6 million in loans to borrowers since 2014, providing water filters to more than half a million households and allowing them to have clean drinking water in their homes. This lowers the risk of waterborne disease and eliminates the need to fetch and boil water and gather wood for fuel.

This loan will be used to replace Hydrologic’s traditional wood-fired kiln (pictured) with a gas kiln to make the ceramic water filters. A gas kiln would provide many benefits, including 1) a safer and healthier work environment for employees at the factory, particularly those working closely with fire, 2) improved quality of the ceramic, and a decreased defective rate from 10-15% to 5% as they can better control the fire, 3) increased production, and 4) decreased cost per filter resulting in better prices for customers.

This loan is special because:

It will enable the purchase of a gas kiln to produce ceramic water filters in Cambodia.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details