A loan helped a member to purchase more fishing nets and more general retail merchandise for his shop.

Nanso Development Group, Lugazi's story

With sound ideas and tenacity, one’s business operations will never be thrown out of gear. To strike a happy medium in successfully running a business, constant planning is also required.

For 34-year-old S. Steven, of Nanso Development Group, none of the above is out of the ordinary, as he has always been tenacious and has invariably brought forth sound ideas in his ten-year-old fishing and retail shop businesses in Kafunta, Lugazi. With these traits in tow, his businesses have been rejuvenating like giants refreshed in the course of every month.

Steven has been selling mostly smoked fish and a variety of general merchandise items such as sugar, salt, bread, groundnuts (peanuts), paraffin (kerosene) and exercise books. His wife helps him at his retail shop.

Steven started off as a farmer before he became partial to the aforementioned businesses. He also operates a commercial motorcycle business. Hard work, he says, is for him the byword for the success of his businesses.

With this loan, Steven wants to buy more bags of sugar, salt, groundnuts, bread, etc., for resale. He also wants to buy more fishing nets.

In this group: Steven, Lawrence, Fatuma, Margret, Angela, Beatrice, Joyce, Beatrice, Richard, Aisha, Milton, Stephen, Patrick, David, Ronald

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