A loan helped a member to buy inputs for his field.

Kotognogontala Group's story

Tiema is from Mali. He is 33 years old, married and has four children; two girls who go to school and two boys. Tiema does market gardening (tomatoes, cabbages, eggplants, and more) and wants to manage his business properly.

He encountered some financial problems and decided to partner with RMCR when he heard about their important program. He asked for some working capital for his business. He farms for 5 months then sells his crop at the market.

Thanks to the loan he manages to meet the needs of his family and to pay for his children's school. Tiema is very happy with his relationship with RMCR and hopes to continue it. Because of COVID-19, he represents his group alone on the photo.

In this group: Noufa, Boubou, Fafre, Drissa, N'tji Giebou, Mouroukoro, Tiema, Tiokon, Zan, Kouroube, Monzon

Translator profile picture

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Sylvie Pelaprat.

This loan is special because:

It empowers farmers and entrepreneurs in underserved areas in Mali.

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