A loan helped to buy her own pre-fab house with false floors.

Hortencia Micaela's story

Hortencia, 46 years old, has 3 children aged 22, 19 and 16 and is currently single.

She considers herself a hard-working, humble and fighter woman. She has had her own clothing business for 10 years, in which she sells jumpsuits, pyjamas, hats, polo shirts, among others. That is why her biggest challenge is walking every day offering her products. Also, her big dream is to have her own clothing store.

Apart from this business, she has no other source of income. She will use the Kiva loan to buy her own pre-fab house with false floors, and with her extra profit she will build her own house. She wants to continue providing a better quality to her children and move ahead.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Gladys R.

This loan is special because:

It creates indirect benefits like higher school performance and reduced susceptibility to illness.

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