A loan helped a woman and veteran-owned business expand its natural skin product lines.

Dannie's story

Hi! I’m Dannie, the founder of The Natural State Skincare Co., located in beautiful Northwest Arkansas. I’m a Navy Veteran, currently employed as an account manager for small suppliers to retailers here, and a self-educated skincare junkie! Several years ago, my skin showed me that it was time to step away from mainstream skincare products that cause rashes, hives, and permanent scarring, and start trying instead handmade, clean skincare products that leave all the unwanted fillers behind. I immersed myself in learning all about clean skincare product development and formulated my own personal products centered around natural and clean ingredients. I then gathered up my 25+ years of business experience, mixed it with everything I taught myself about skincare, and launched my company in mid-2020. I’m currently expanding my knowledge by earning a Beauty Business Essentials Certificate via FIT (Fashion Institute of Technology). I started out utilizing ingredients like Jojoba and Squalane (olive derived) oils, Shea and Cocoa butter, as well as Aloe Vera, antioxidants like Green Tea, and hydrosols like Rose and Lavender, my skin calmed and appreciated the healthy ingredients I was feeding it. As I grew my knowledge, I was able to explore even more ingredients that offered hydrating, moisturizing, and nourishing benefits, like Niacinamide and Hyaluronic Acid.

I shared my products with my friends and family and they benefited greatly too, and then I launched selling my products to the public with great reviews and success stories from my customers.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About The Natural State Skincare Co.

Industry: Retail
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years
Website: naturalstateskin.com


Lenders and lending teams

Loan details