A loan helped to buy inputs such as calcium, zinc, and boron, among others, to improve her coffee trees' nutrition.

Maria Julia's story

María is 42 years old and has 5 children. She produces coffee and administers her farm with excellent results.

María operates a 9.85 hectare farm, and thanks to her great efforts, dedication, and focus on complying with Good Agricultural Practices, plus the technical assessment of PAC, she has managed to increase the productivity of her coffee trees.

In order to implement a nutritional improvement plan for her coffee, María is requesting a loan through PAC for US$1,200.

With this investment, she will be able to purchase agricultural inputs such as calcium, zinc, and boron, among others. This will increase the quality of her harvest, and her income.

This will be María's 4th loan through PAC.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Harold Dana Sims, PhD.

This loan is special because:

It allows farmers to plant trees needed to shade coffee plants.

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