A loan helped a woman-owned construction business expand.

Suzanne's story

I launched Modern Designz Construction in just the past 2 years. It started with my husband who worked for another construction company as a lead framer and I was sick of living check to check and him working so hard for such a small paycheck every week. I woke up one day and said that's it. I had worked for a builder for 6 years doing accounting & receiving and I learned a lot from that plus I ran a lot of businesses before as management positions. So I knew how to run a business and what it entailed. I knew how to remodel & received my interior decorating degree in 2010. Ok, so I woke up and started to figure out how to start a construction business of my own with my husband running a crew. I posted ads, hired employees, and soon had so many jobs my husband couldn't keep up. Then covid hit and hit hard. My employees were out of work for a lot of time, when my machines went down I couldn't fix them. And I needed new tools, vehicles were breaking down. It was hard, I got behind in bills but my employees believed in my company and stuck by us. After the first hit by covid was over things picked up and I contacted builders we are now contracted with big builders in the Rochester, NY area to frame houses for them regularly. Then my crew all got covid again. We were shut down for a month. That hit hard again. We are back on our feet and at it.

Modern Designz has grown bigger than I ever imagined. I'm indescribably thankful for the people (buyers, suppliers, friends, family, builders & my husband) who have been a big part of my business growth.

This loan is special because:

It supports a female entrepreneur in expanding their business.

Loan details

About Modern Designz Construction

Industry: Construction
Years in operation: 3 years - 5 years

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details