A loan helped to buy a truck of their own that will support in transporting their finished goods.

Kitoko's story

Cosomag Ltd is a Rwandan-based business managed by Kitoko. It is a stone cutter company located in the Musanze district in Rwanda that was founded in 2011 by his wife, but is run by Kitoko who is a retired army officer.

The company cuts stone, pavers, and bricks from volcanic quarries. The business has expanded to the extent of employing 35 staff members. Their main customers are hotels and commercial houses in the city. They are trying to make new products like tiles but are still in the development/trying stage. Casomag Ltd started its business operations with the purpose of providing quality products to its customers which has been achieved.

Now, Kitoko wants to grow the business even more which is the reason why he is requesting a loan to buy a truck of their own that will support in transporting their finished goods. He will be able to continue growing his business and employ even more people, hence changing people's lives.

This loan is special because:

It offers a full package of support for Rwanda's promising entrepreneurs.

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