A loan helped to buy farm inputs that she plans to use to improve her production and support her family.

Alice's story

Faithful lenders, get to know Alice, who is a 69-year-old smallholder farmer. She is a wise farmer whose neighbors and fellow farmers respect as a mentor. Alice farms a small plot of land in the green, lush hills near Kericho in the Western region of Kenya. Like many other farmers in the region, she grows maize, which is a staple crop that she has been planting for as long as she can remember.

In Kenya, agriculture is one of the most competitive industries and especially due to the high costs of operations, it is necessary to improve farming. Such costs include the cost of land acquisition and inputs which have always skyrocketed. To meet the high costs of inputs, farmers have been forced to borrow from financial institutions which sometimes impose very complicated procedures in loan distribution. Some farmers and especially women end up in hopelessness, despondency and lack of morale to invest in agriculture.

Alice is currently requesting a loan from Juhudi Kilimo via Kiva lenders in order to buy fertilizers, and certified seeds. Through this loan, Alice expects to increase her crop production, which will translate into an improved harvest and a higher income. Thus, this loan will permanently change Alice's living standards.

Alice is confident that if you invest in her business, 2022 will be a great year for her. Alice is really grateful for your understanding.

This loan is special because:

It finances smallholder farmers to purchase dairy cows, chickens, cereals, farm inputs and farming equipment.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details