A loan helped to enable up to 35% increases in income for farmers in Ghana and Togo.

Complete Farmer's story

Despite the vast demand for agriculture in Africa, farmers are not able to access international markets due to under-investments in the agriculture value chain.

Complete Farmer is a locally-founded end-to-end digital agriculture platform that enables global industries to source agriculture commodities grown to their specifications by African farmers. Complete Farmer enables farmers to access premium global markets and eliminates reliance on middlemen who add up to 40% markup. Complete Farmer’s end-to-end process helps farmers increase their profits 2.5x – 3.5x.

Fifty-five percent of the nearly 400 farmers served last year were women. Complete Farmer’s platform has supported over 3,000 jobs since 2018.

This loan of $50,000 will enable Complete Farmer to onboard more smallholder farmers, linking them to foreign markets thus raising their incomes. This is Complete Farmer’s first loan through the Kiva Social Enterprise program.

This loan is special because:

It enables small farmers to connect to buyers of their produce.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details